The Post-Credits Scenes

There are three types of people in this world.

The first is the ones who leave right after the Marvel movie has ended.

The second: those who wait until after the credits because they know better than the first group.

The third type is the people who wait until the clean-up crew kicks them out because they don’t trust Marvel.

But why?

Why do these people wait?

Why, the post-credit scenes, of course.

If you’re asking yourself, “What are the post-credit scenes?”, then you’re probably that first type of person. But, luckily for you, you’ve come to right place.

The post-credit scenes are the clips that Marvel includes after the credits of each Marvel movie. They show a quick preview of what will happen in the next movie that’s associated with the movie you’re watching.

The first post-credit scene was in Iron Man (2008) which features Tony Stark returning to his mansion late at night to find Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., waiting for him to tell him about the Avengers Initiative. This is the first time the audience hears about the Avengers, and it leaves us wondering just what that is.

The next one is in The Incredible Hulk (2008). It begins with an intoxicated Thaddeus Ross in a bar, and Tony Stark walks in to tell him that they’re putting a special team together, which shows that S.H.I.E.L.D. is trying to recruit the Hulk for the Avengers Initiative.

The next post-credit scene was in Iron Man 2 (2010), showing Phil Coulson at a site in New Mexico where a mysterious hammer had created an enormous crater.  Coulson tells “Sir” about the hammer over the phone.

Then we have the post-credit scene in Thor (2011) where Erik Selvig is brought to an underground S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, and he meets Nick Fury, who shows him the Tesseract and asks him to try to harness its power. But behind Selvig, Loki appears, unseen, and is controlling Selvig. Wow, what a perfect way for him to get the Tesseract. Dun dun dun!!

The next post-credit scene in the timeline is in Captain America: the First Avenger (2011). It’s a cut scene from the Avengers, featuring Steve Rogers punching a punching bag and sending it flying across the room. Nick Fury comes in, and Steve asks him if he has a mission. Fury tells him he’s trying to save the world, which is a lead-in to the Avengers.

And finally, the last movie of Phase 1, the Avengers (2012) with two post-credit scenes! The first one features the Other telling Thanos about Loki’s faliure and the Avengers. The second shows the Avengers sitting in silence around a table eating shawarma.

On to Phase 2.

It begins with Iron Man 3 (2013), and this post-credit scene has Tony Stark telling Beuce Banner all of his life’s problems while Bruce falls asleep.

Then we have Thor: the Dark World (2013) in which we find another two post-credit scenes, the first in which Lady Sif and Volstagg give the Aether to Taneleer Tivan from Guardians of the Galaxy without realizing that he was already looking for the 6 Infinity Stones. The second has Jane Foster and friends relaxing when Thor comes down to Earth. Jane runs out to meet him, and they share a very loving embrace.

Up next comes Captain America: the Winter Soldier (2014). We see Dr. List talking to Strucker about how S.H.I.E.L.D. released all of its files thanks to Natasha Romanoff and about the test subjects. We see Loki’s scepter and then the twins locked in adjacent cells, Pietro throwing himself uncontrollably around his room and Wanda mesmerized by new abilities.

Then we have Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) in which we catch a glimpse of the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos saying, “Fine  I’ll do it myself.”

Finally, we have Captain America: Civil War (2016). Bucky Barnes goes back into the freezer, and T’Challa is a pure human being with a large black cat stature in his backyard. Honestly though, I screamed with excitement when I saw it. And then we have Peter Parker playing with his new suit and talking to Aunt May back in Queens, which leads into Spider-man: Homecoming.

What’s your favorite post-credit scene? Leave it in the comments. Thanks!

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